GRaffiti Wisdom  is an ongoing exploration of anonymous personal expressions found on the walls inside public restrooms.  Once reframed, these musings take on new and often profound meanings.
  Quilts: Heritage & Hereafter  -  looks at how hobbies and events in my grandmothers’ lives have filtered down to impact mine.  Each of us has a legacy of joys and sorrows that are part of the lore of our families.  Every generati
 In May 2014, I was invited to participate in a group show at  AgavePrint  pondering spoons.  This piece is entitled "Legacy".
  Liquid Love - is a new project. These are the first few images.   At 5 years old, I taught myself to swim in a friend's pool by hanging onto the edge and inchworming my hands around the lip over and over while my parents partied with the other grow